• USA has a high Reputation
  • Quality of Teaching & Research
  • Best Universities for Technology & Research
  • Contribute with Research
  • Course Flexibility
  • High Paying Jobs
  • Engaging Campus – Learn beyond Classrooms
  • Great Career after Graduation
  • Opportunity to get Assistantships & Scholarships
  • STEM OPT: Optional Practical Training – 12 +24 Months Extension (36 Months)
  • Globally Recognised Degree


The US is home to the highest number of top-rated universities recognized worldwide for their excellence and unique programs, enticing many international students.

A unique curriculum, multicultural environment, advanced technology, and a plethora of work opportunities are some of the top reasons that make the country a popular choice among international students.

    Why USA ?

    The USA is considered as the go-to destination for education because of its world-renowned universities with a top-quality education system, and a variety of cultures the country has to offer. In most of the universities, the average class size is 15-20 students, which enables every student to attain individual attention and help them gain more practical oriented knowledge.

    As it is a technology leader and the centre for excellence for the day to day innovative and leading-edge technologies, it provides students with many opportunities to work with the best technology companies in the world. For students who are ardent about research, USA is considered as the best place to study, as it has research-oriented education with a diverse range of undergraduate and graduate programs to study. In the USA, students have the flexibility to choose courses from other majors/departments according to their interests. STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Mathematics) Programs have 3 years of optional practical training (OPT) i.e, one could opt for 12 months plus 24 months of extension to stay back after masters.


USA is said to be the best place to Live, Learn and grow, as people there are individualistic, and are passionate and practical about what they do. USA hosts the most international students in the world. It is said that 35% of the country’s students come across the world to study in the USA, which creates a multicultural environment. Within the Universities, there are many student organizations, technical clubs, events and other extracurricular activities to help students develop their interpersonal skills, and expand their horizons. The university campuses are safe and encourage students to live independently, which, in turn, empowers students to face new experiences which helps facilitate their growth.


It’s not a secret that US university fees are very expensive for international students and American students as well. Many international students wonder, can I work in the USA while studying? Yes, you have the opportunity to work part-time but remember that you are restricted by the terms of your visa. Working while studying can be helpful to reduce the cost of your education and provide you applicable work experience.

International students who have F-1 and M-1 visas are allowed to work on-campus and in specified training programs and also students are not allowed to work off-campus during their first academic year. There are few student-oriented on-campus jobs such as working in the library, cafeteria, or student center.


If you are an international student studying in the United States, you have the opportunity to work part-time but Before you begin the process of finding a job, contact your Designated School Official (DSO). That’s the person your school designated to assist international students. If you have already made contact with your DSO when you arrived he will help you apply for a Social Security Number (required for all students working in the U.S.) and guide you through the appropriate steps.

Students can get off-campus jobs after their first academic year through programs specifically for international students seeking employment. such as Curricular Practical Training (CPT) – Curricular Practical Training is a program that temporarily allows international students to get work experience directly related to their major through their employment, While you are studying in the United States you will be allowed to work with some minimal restrictions. Most colleges and universities can assist international students with finding employment on-campus and off-campus.

Optional Practical Training (OPT) – Optional Practical Training is a program that allows international students in the United States to work temporarily for up to 12 months. OPT can be completed both before or after completing your studies, but it’s important to remember that you are only allowed to work 12 months total including pre-completion of degree and post-completion of degree.